Terms & Condition


Operational Research Society of India (ORSI), 39 Mahanirvan Road, Kolkata 700029 (India) adopts a philosophy of self-regulation and offers the user connection to the local network and also connection to the Internet providing that either the members or users accepts the fact that she/he is going to be personally responsible for actions taken when connected to the network or Internet. This may mean that ORSI is not going to provide any warning system should the user contravene policy, maintaining that it is up to the user to know when his/her actions are in violation of policy (refer Private Policy of ORSI). Acceptable private policy document provide a statement about the use of the network and/or Internet and its uses and advantages to other organisation(s) sponsoring connection to the Internet. Such a statement may outline the benefit of email systems, ability to gain information from websites, connection with other people through the use of instant messaging, and other similar benefits of various protocols, including the relatively new VoIP services. Unacceptable behaviour may include creation and transmission of  offensive, obscene, or indecent document or images, creation and transmission of material which is designed to cause annoyance, inconvenience or anxiety, creation of defamatory material, creation and transmission that infringes copyright of another person, transmission of unsolicited commercial or advertising material and deliberate unauthorised access to other services accessible using the connection to the network/ Internet.